Monday, August 06, 2007

The Bourne Ultimatum

I am not a huge fan of action movies. I am also not one to rush out and see a film the opening weeken ( I have still not seen the Harry Potter flick!). For some reason though, I felt compelled to see The Bourne Ultimatum. Perhaps it is Matt Damon ( yum). Even though, I don't go out and see everything he is in ( I have yet to see Good Will Hunting). I have however, seen all of the "Bourne" movies.

I got to the theater (mere minutes from Toby's), picked up my ticket, my "lunch" ( a #1, popcorn soda combo) and headed for the theatre. I found a long line of people waiting outside the theatre. I got in line, confused and said "Um, when did this movie open?" The couple in front of me laughed and said " Friday." Oh. Hence the line.

I took my sister's seat ( up in the far corner in the back) and took out my book. The theatre was PACKED. I ended having a very talkative father and son sit next to me, but really - it was okay. This movie was so loud and jam packed with action I didnt even notice after a while. It went by so fast! It was so much fun. Matt Damon humanizes the genre of action films. His quest for knowlege about who he is - and how he got to be who he is today is really compelling. Plus what he does in a police car on the streets of NYC is so totally cool!

I say go see it. Not right now though...the theatre's are crowded. ;)

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