Monday, November 13, 2006

Getting caught up in myself.

I spent the weekend very caught up in my own thoughts and my own fears. I worried too much and prayed too little. I went to sleep last night after reading a few pages of Joyce Meyer's latest book The Confident Woman. Something must have clicked in my subconcious because I woke up really peaceful - and early! I finished reading the section on unreasonable fear and she used an example of a woman whose worry and actions dealing with her husband almost caused the breakup of her marriage. When she offered the whole situation to God for some clarity - she realized that her feelings had more to do with the fact that her father left her mother then the behavior of her husband.

I found some revelation in this. My fear about how my relationship with TBND was progressing ( or not progressing) had little to do with TBND himself ( although, if the brotha doesnt learn how to call a person I may go crazy on 'im) but with my previous, painful experience with "Harry Potter".

This morning, I will simply pray about our realtionship and let God take care of it. I can only do what I can do. Worry is a tool of the enemy - desire to be in control all the time is a tool of the enemy. I can do better than that.

It's a good morning!

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