Sunday, July 01, 2007

Geeky Pleasures

There is a least one person who reads this blog who will whoop with laughter at this post. I just finished watching an episode of "Doctor Who". I am not the biggest sci fi fan - my far out fiction joys tends to come from the "bodice rippers" and chick lit that I devour like snack food. But there is one show that I have loved since childhood. I have dreamt of stepping into the Tardis and taking a trip in time like the Doctor and his companions.

I have not spent much time with the Doctor lately, but every so often, I am up late and catch the show on one of the local public television stations. That's what happened tonight and my eyes were just glued!

One of the conventions of the show is that every so often, the Doctor changes form - giving the show the opportunity to recast the part. The latest Doctor is soooooo cute. Christopher Eccelston is his name - so delightful. The Ninth Doctor may indeed be my favorite. I was totally ga ga for, like the sixth doctor ( I think it was the sixth - some time in the eighties when I was a teenager)... and now frankly I'm a little ga ga for this one too.

Like I said in the title... geeky.

Good Night Y'all.

1 comment:

TeKay said...

What do you think of your boy, John Barrowman, being on the show as well. And having his own show (Torchwood) about to air on BBC America. It's a spin off of Dr. Who.

One, two, three...I am singing for the future...THE FIX.