Sunday, January 21, 2007

Size 14 Isn't Fat Either

I spent a lovely evening with unintentional sleuth Heather Wells.

Size 14 Isn't Fat Either is the next book in the Heather Wells mystery series by Meg Cabot. The series features slightly zaftig former pop star Heather Wells and her life as an assistant dorm director at New York College. Her love of bagels with cream cheese and bacon (yummmm) and of hunky landlords is so adorable and relateable ( is that a word) ... the books are an easy fun read. It's a murder mystery so there are some slightly gruesome details and the profanity meter goes off at about a 4 ( she drops the F-bomb a few more times then I would have liked).

I have to tell you though, I was having a tough day so some escapism was just what I was looking for. Meg Cabot and her friend Heather definately delivered.

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