Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Feeling at home

I just got back from Columbia. The Little Shop company was called for a clean up rehearsal. It's funny, I feel like we haven't had that many rehearsals but there isnt that much to clean up. It's a really different experience from working in otehr venues. Good.

I had a LOT of down time, but I really didn't mind. It just felt right to be there. I was among peers, people younger and older than me that I respect. I feel at ease there. I dont feel out of place, or constantly irritated or misused or maltreated. It's just comfortable - like home.

It definately felt like one of those times when God was tapping on my shoulder and saying " Yeah, daughter, this is where you need to be...see how easy this is for you?"

Yes, Father, I hear you, I hear you.

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