Tuesday, April 27, 2010

losing weight on the broken road

I am always afraid to publicly talk about weight loss. I am afraid that people will watch too closely and judge too much. Then again, they watch and judge anyway, so why not talk about it.

So, I am on weight watchers. I go to the meetings at work, which is really convenient. My office mate has lost a tremendous amount of weight in the two years I have been at the Disco. She is my inspiration. She never seemed to be suffering. She eats what she wants. She just chooses to eat better. That's my goal.

My goal since i started has been to actually do a whole week of staying within my " points" ( weight watchers teaches portion control by assigning a point value to every food. you have a certain amount of points per day - you choose how you spend them). Staying within my means has never been my strong suit ( just ask the credit card companies). Eating has been the one thing that brings me consistent pleasure. Now I have teach myself to each for life.

I made the decision to start WW because of side effect of my ADHD meds. I have very little appetite. I could clearly see that I only ate for emotional reasons when I couldnt feel hungry.
So, I decided to force myself to live more conciously.

How am I doing? I am 4 and half pounds down in a month. I can do this. It took way longer than a month to put it on and I certainly have gained more than four pounds in a month.

My first marker has already been met. It was to get under a certain number... I wont say what it is.

My next marker is to lose 30% of my body weight. It's not too far away... I'll let you know when that happens.

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