Monday, May 28, 2007

Weekend in the country.

My friend Momo, fresh from big ole New York came to visit for her annual Memorial Day weekend in Washington. I really thought this trip was going to be derailed by a tragic sewing accident. What tragic sewing accident, you say? Dear Momo, in an attempt to learn to sew... accidently sewed a machine needle into her hand. The needle broke off in her finger and she is walking around with the tip of a needle on her person. Can you say OW?!?!?!

The doctors didnt take it out in the emergency room, they were talking surgery. I was sure she wasnt going to make it. By the sheer stubborn "Momo" will, she got on a bus and spent the weekend with me in DC. Bless her. She was totally under the weather - and I wasnt much better. We did some shopping and mall walking ( that's country to her) and she soaked up some of that " living at home with your mom" goodness I am blessed to still be partaking of.

It was really nice to spend time with her. I miss her very much. She is one of the reason why moving back to NYC would be so cool. She is a creative, ever evolving, totally neurotic soul and I love her for it.

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