Thursday, December 14, 2006

Genna, thy name is PROCRASTINATION

It's 11pm, the night before a trip and what am I doing? Well aside from blogging... washing clothes, printing sheet music... all stuff that should have been done hours ago or days ago. I knew what I was going to sing, why didnt I print the music? And now the program has eaten one of my songs so Im either going to have to buy a U2 songbook tomorrow or pray that they have one at Colony mere hours before the show. I dont think I have done the right loads of laundry!

Meanwhile, I friend just told me her travelling companion for a trip to Europe has already packed... the trip is in two weeks! Come on! It's just not natural to be that organized...or to not want to wear all your faves in the two weeks before a trip.

I dunno...but that paralysis that comes over me when I have too much to do is starting to sink in. Maybe i'll make myself feel worse by calling TBND who said he would call me two hours ago. Boys suck... packing sucks... I think I'll eat a cookie.

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