Sunday, December 24, 2006

Plugging back in at NCC

Was back at NCC for the first time in a few weeks. It felt good to be home, you know? PM's message was spot on for me. He talked about how sometimes it feels like your in the "wrong " story. As if God has dropped you into the wrong place at the wrong time. His ultimate example? The Christmas story - totally miscast, right? Like, if you were putting together a cast for that story...would you pick a 14 year old uneducated girl for the leading lady? It was a great way to really think through the story.

We always try to write our own story. It's as if we know better than God how our lives should turn out. Which is where we get into trouble. Or at least where I do. I was convicted in that message. It was a tap on the shoulder - the the tap that I got singing in NYC. I am not in control of everything, no matter what I think. LOL

I am grateful for the challenges that PM is inspired to give us. I have never felt more connected to a faith community. I have never felt more connected to God. I am blessed and humbled. It's the best present I could ever have gotten for Christmas.

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