Wednesday, April 25, 2007



How can one word bring such joy? Pie. Pie. Pie.

There is something about certain foods, some evoke memories of special times and some create a sense of comfort. Then there are the few, the proud…the pie.

The particular pie I am waxing pathetic about is an Apple Sour Cream delight available only at The Little Pie Company in New York City. This taste treat reminds me of my many years in the big city. It reminds me of jobs I had – and hated – and frankly wish I was doing again ‘cuz they were simpler than what I am dealing with right now. It reminds of gatherings of friends and celebrations of milestones. It’s part of my NYC experience that gives me joy.

I was able, last nigh, to recapture some of that joy through the generosity of a few friends who trekked off to the Apple last weekend. I had talked up this pie and the unbelievable deliciousness of the many varieties so much, they had to make their way over to the shop. I am so glad they weren’t disappointed! I am also glad they didn’t forget lil ole me in the processJ.

So I am looking forward to delving into the second half of that mini hunk of goodness tonight after yet another day slogging it out for Ye Olde.

Pie good.

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